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About WVCA and our mission:

The Wisconsin Volunteer Coordinators Association is a statewide professional organization since 1969.

Wisconsin Volunteer Coordinators Association emerged out of a pursuit to inspire and support the community, and a desire for actions to speak louder than words. We’re an organization driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support. Contact us to learn more and get involved.

The Wisconsin Volunteer Coordinators Association is a statewide professional organization advocating for coordinators of volunteer services through support, resources, and educational development.


WVCA is a Wisconsin professional association which was founded in 1969 to create a statewide network for managers of volunteers. WVCA is designed to serve as a positive force in the promotion of volunteerism, leadership and volunteer management. 

The association provides annual volunteer management training at the Wisconsin Volunteer Coordinators Association's Conference each spring. The board meets regularly to conduct association business, exchange ideas and deal with issues of mutual concerns. WVCA is run by members for members. All members are encouraged to participate on committees and consider leadership positions on the board. Board meetings are open to current paid members. General membership meetings are held annually at the WVCA Conference. 

©2024 by Wisconsin Volunteer Coordinators Association. 

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